lunedì 25 luglio 2011

R.I.P. Amy Winehouse

After the terrible news about her death there have been too many comments abut her:
"What a waster"
"She was a junkie"
"Her death was announced"
"This is the way weend up when we are on drugs"
I can't say that some of this things are true, but anyway I want to remember her on this page the way she was, a free soul. Is there something wrong with it? Lets not blame drugs, her friends, her ex-husband, this is the way that things have gone with her. We hoped for her to restart her carreer, to  reach again that picks in music, but in the end we failed.
I loved her as a musician and I want to remember her in her best period.

Rest In Peace, it's everything that he can say now.

domenica 3 luglio 2011

Rockstar Apparel... Julian Casablancas

L'altro giorno stavo guardando le foto di Julian Casablancas e ho pensato:"Lui sì che sa essere una rock star!". Basti vedere il menefreghismo mal celato soprattutto nel video di Last Nite e si capisce che quel ragazzo con i capelli spettinati, che canta con una voce piuttosto approssimativa è riuscito a centrare ciò che molti eredi di Freddie Mercury si sognano...L'IMMAGINE. Perchè è proprio l'immagine di Julian a fare la differenza, le canzoni degli Strokes detto sinceramente non sono niente di speciale, ma il suo modo di fare conquista subito.

venerdì 1 luglio 2011

Lou Reed and Berlin

Lou Reed has always been a personality that fashinated me and inspired me. I absolutely love his album "transformer" and the way he appeares: the make up, the voice and the way he used to sing inspired so many singers after him, for example Ryan Adams in "Halloweenhead". So here there are some photos of him that I really liked. He's amazing with his edgy and sexy voice.